Lance Armstrong - "Superman's" Bicycle
The "Quin-TANIUM Roo" Bike
(Fly like an Eagle or faster than a speeding bullet)
"...I never felt so good on a bike in my life." Lance Armstrong
This is THAT Bike!
In 1988 I had 3 Quin “tanium” Roo Time Trial “Ti” Tri Bikes made. I have 2 Teledyne “Ti” Titans (softer geometry and were rumored as brittle?)
Several Pro riders (including a senior and a female) test rode these bikes and unanimously cheered these bikes as the lightest, fastest and best handling bikes they had ever rode. The word and reputation of these "Go-faster" spread.
We gave the 57 to John Howard (the Lance Armstrong of Ultra Marathoners). I took the 59 to Brian “Bugatti” Baylis (renown frame builder and painter extraordinaire) and had him paint, sign and label/decal it Quin-tanium as a gift for my wife.
My friends suggested (threatened) that I should loan this 59 to some
wannabe Tri- athlete Super Biker …..Lance Armstrong (Cancer survivor).
I declined, but my wife also threatened, therefore, I agreed only if the bike would be returned and it would be built with the best state of the art components (see photos). Lance raced and performed as the article describes and returned the bike as promised (he had the goose neck machined to his specifications- Campy NOT). My wife was/is ill, neither she or anyone else has ever ridden this bike since Lance.
I wouldn’t sell this bike for any price, unless I had to.
The pictures tell all.

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